The acharya’s personal masseuse

The acharya’s personal masseuse in Gran Canaria

(English and Spanish version)

This is the recent message of two recognized devotees of VRINDA. We appreciate the sincerity and courage that both demonstrate and hope that many other people are encouraged to express the truth. The entire international community just wants to know the truth since victims deserve justice.

If you are a woman and were abused by Mr. Ulrich Harlan, please don’t remain silent.

Bhavani and Krishnadas letter from the Canary Islands.

Dear Gurudeva, we’re very sorry for everything that is happening. We’re very sorry that all this chaos has now originated in your life and your mission; we know that you’re passing the biggest test of your life.

I’d like to be with you and support you, but I can't do it. I thank you very much for these years of sacrifices and because through your devotees you brought Krishna into my life. This has been a greatest gift.

A few days before your visit to the Canary Islands, in 2017, I prayed to Giri to show me who you really are, since you were the most important thing in my life. For me, to serve you was to serve Krishna-Bhagavan. For seven years I did my best at your service, but I had some doubts and that's why I prayed. On that visit, precisely, at midnight I saw that you were with Satvika in your bed. And in that hotel, in Gran Canaria, I heard your groans of placer, etc. It was a great impact for me, but it was necessary since otherwise I would have never believed Radha-Kunda or Prisni Dasi or any other woman.

Subsequently, Krishnadas was in India with you and giving you therapy, and he witnessed everything you later acceptedyour (sexual) touching to matajis and all the strategies that your advisors then made to protect you.

Several months have passed since then and more cases are coming to light. Seeing the behavior of your personal advisers while attacking matajis, I feel that I no longer want to belong to this community; Krishnadas neither.

All this year I was thinking about it, since it is not easy to understand. But I have already decided. I don't want to continue supporting you, I want to serve a reliable guru and that's why I'm leaving your mission. I’d have liked you to be honest and to assume your mistakes. I believe that your most serious fault is not accepting and assuming the consequences of your mistakes, as well as allowing witnesses to be attacked.

People want to know the truth and it is very sad to hear them and see their confusion, because they cannot make a decision and you’re simply ambiguous in your statements.

I could take refuge in one of your sannyasis disciples, but unfortunately they have been your accomplices, so I cannot trust them although I have certain degree of appreciation for some of them. Time will tell who’s who. Maybe many of those who are close to you are sincere. I hope so.

Gurudeva, everything in our life revolved around you. But Krishna was protecting us by revealing this entire situation and that is why in recent months we didn’t follow your instructions. That is why we’re still together as a couple and we’re not ruined. Since we almost accepted your orders—you asked us to keep the center, a farm and another farm, to collect donations and attract more devotees. You were demanding too much, externally rather than internally; that is why we’re exhausted.

Due to all this scandal and against your instructions, we decided to lead a simple life and high thinking. Nothing is more beautiful than that. That is why we hand over the therapy center yesterday and ended the Association of Perennial Psychology and Inbound Yoga. Today is practically the first day we breathe easy after hand over the Alajeró Farm and the center.

We’re calm. We feel that a smokescreen moved away from us and we continue in our service at the La Laja Farm. Later we’ll try to connect with a guru who we can trust and to put this farm at the service of devotion and love.

And with or without you, Gurudeva, we continue in devotional service. Trust Krishna and tell the truth to the devotees, for everyone is in need. Even those who want to protect you need it in order to free themselves and move on with their lives. 

Please no longer perpetuate this situation.

Bhavani DD y Krishnadas Kaviraj Das.

Este el reciente mensaje de dos reconocidos devotos de VRINDA. Apreciamos la sinceridad y valor que demuestran y esperamos que muchas otras personas más se animen a expresar la verdad. Toda la comunidad internacional desea saber la verdad pues las víctimas merecen justicia.

Si eres una mujer y sufriste algún tipo de abuso por parte del Sr. Ulrich Harlan, por favor, no guardes silencio.

Carta de Bhavani y Krishnadas, desde Canarias

Querido Gurudeva lament​amos​ mucho todo lo que está pasando. Lament​amos​ mucho que ahora ​haya todo este caos en tu vida y en tu misión, sé que estás pasando la prueba mas grande de tu vida.

Yo quisiera estar contigo apoyándote, pero no puedo, te estoy muy agradecida por estos años de sacrificios​ ​y porque tu a través de tus devotos has traído a ​Krishna a mi vida y eso ha sido el regalo más grande.

Unos días antes de tu visita en 2017 a Canarias, yo le oré a Giri, que me mostrara quien eres tu, ya que eras la prioridad 1 en mi vida y para mi, servirte era servir a Krishna Bhagavan y llevaba 7 años haciendo mi mejor esfuerzo de servirte, pero tenía unas dudas, por eso oré.  En esa visita precisamente te vi con Satvika a medianoche en tu cama, en un hotel en Gran Canaria, escuche tus jadeos, etc. Fue un golpazo, pero lo necesité porque de otra forma nunca hubiera creído a Radha Kunda, ni a Prisni ni a ninguna.

Luego Krishnadas estuvo en India y haciéndote terapia, fue testigo de todo lo que tu aceptaste de los tocamientos a las madres, y de toda​s​ la​s estrategias que hicieron tus asesores para encubrirte.

Ahora que han pasado varios meses, que salen más casos a la luz, y al ver el comportamiento de tus asesores personales atacando a las madres, siento que ​no ​quiero pertenecer a esto​ ​ni Krishnadas tampoco.

Llevo todo este año dándome el tiempo para pensar, porque no es fácil tener claridad y ya lo tengo decidido.

No quiero seguir apoyándote, quiero servir a un Guru fidedigno, por eso me voy de tu misión. Me hubiera gustado que fueras sincero y que asumieras tus errores. No aceptar y​ no​ asumir las consecuencias de tus errores y​ además​ permitir que se ataquen a los testigos, es el error más grave, en mi opinión.

La gente quiere saber la verdad y es una tristeza escucharlos confundidos, sin poder tomar una decisión y tu​ eres​ simplemente ambiguo en tus ​declaraciones.

Me refugiaría en tus ​discípulos ​sa​n​nyasis, pero lamentablemente ellos te han estado cubriendo la espalda, por eso no puedo confiar en ellos, aunque a algunos les tengo profundo aprecio. El tiempo dirá quién es quién. Seguramente muchos de quienes están cerca tuyo son sinceros, y espero que así sea.

Gurudeva todo en nuestra vida giraba alrededor tuyo y​,​ gracias a Krishna que nos protegió al revelarnos todo esto, estos últimos meses no seguimos tus instrucciones, gracias a eso seguimos juntos como pareja y no nos quedamos en la ruina. Que allá ibamos con tus pedidos, nos pediste que mantuviéramos el centro, una finca, otra finca, donaciones y devotos. Estabas sobre​-​exigiéndonos, mas en lo externo que en lo interno, nos re quemamos. Con todo este escandalo y en contra de tus instrucciones, decidimos: vida simple y pensamiento elevado, nada más bello que eso. Por eso entregamos el centro de terapias ayer, dimos de baja la Asociación de Psicología Perenne y Yoga Inbound, hoy es prácticamente nuestro primer día de respiro al entregar la finca de Alajeró y el centro. 

Est​amos tranquil​os,​ sentimos que una cortina de humo se retiró, seguimos en nuestro servicio en la Finca de La Laja, y ​ya nos encargaremos de conectarnos con un Guru en quién podamos confiar, para poner esta finca al servicio de la devoción y el amor.

Y contigo o sin ti, Gurudeva, nosotros seguimos en el servicio. Confía en Krishna y dile la verdad a los devotos que todos la están necesitando. Incluso quienes quieren encubrirte la necesitan, para que se liberen de esto y hagan sus vidas. Por favor no perpetúes más esto. 

Bhavani DD y Krishnadas Kaviraj Das.

Here is the source of this letter:



  1. Thank you for your courage and caring for others. This letter shows that you seems like are sincere souls, wow who genuinely try to find and serve Krsna and that is most important. All the best my friends, Maya is powerful, but Krsna is the master of all. There are few elevated souls around, pray and you will find a real guru. Hare Krsna. Darek.

  2. Yes, and this is kali Yuga "sanyasi guru". He could be tantric ?
    Sahajiya predator, anybody with the brain laughs at this "sanyasi" who hugs woman in public, parody of bhakti,
    maybe this paramadvaiti is possesed by ghosts... only south american or spanish could be so naive to get under spell of such manipulation..

    Such a "guru" attracts sheeple disciples, really miserable !

    Anyway , heard that now he is finished, maybe this "guru" will die out soon.

    Hare Krishna.
